<Welcome to dressCode/>
We aspire to make a dent in the Computing Science gender gap, with the aim of engaging, inspiring and raising awareness of opportunities in the world of tech.
<A good place to start/>

<Want to know more?/>
What we do
We provide a free online portal available to all Secondary schools that introduces and engages girls aged 11-13 to Computing Science. They will get to make their own games and projects through Scratch 3.0, design and code their own websites, test their problem solving through cyber security and get to make their own cyber challenges! App development is coming soon!
Get with the program
We have lots of free pick up and play resources and ideas to get girls introduced to Games Design, Web Development and Cyber Security. App Design is coming soon! Looking to start a dressCode club in your school?
Support Us
dressCode is a non-profit charity founded with the aim of addressing the gender gap in Computing Science. We are always eager to develop links with industry to help inspire the next generation of female tech talent. Together we can close the gender gap! Want to know how you can support dressCode?