<Get with the program/>
dressCode offers a FREE school club for girls aged 11-13. Available to all secondary schools, this can be run by any teacher, no previous computing experience required. All resources are pick up and play!

Sign up dressCode for your School
Sign your school up to become part of the growing network of dressCode clubs.

Benefits of signing up to dressCode
Join the growing community of dressCode Champions and that you want to play a major part in closing the gender gap in Computing Science.
Permission to use dressCode logo.
Free materials to promote your dressCode in your school.
Gain access to exclusive self-guided resources that will support dressCoders build their own games and projects on Scratch 3.0, create websites and learn about Cyber security. App Development is on its way!
dressCode schools will be alerted to dressCode hackathons or events taking place near them.
Ongoing Support from dressCode team.
Free swag dressCode pins for pupils, we have junior pins and senior mentor pins.
dressCode clubs is recognised as part of the Young STEM Leader award so pupils who help run a dressCode can gain their Young STEM Leader award that has SCQF points (only available in Scotland).