Initiatives for Schools
Initiatives for Schools
Claim FREE Signed Hopper and Turing Certificates for Your Primary School.
We know that inspiring pupils into Computing Science at a young age is so important. We have introduced our FREE set of Hopper and Turing certificates available for all Primaries. This creates an opportunity to recognise excellence in Computing Science at every stage of pupil’s education from Nursery to Primary 7.
To get access to the certificates you must complete the form (link below) We felt strongly that we had to have two separate certificates. We felt if we had a generic Computing Science certificiate it was likely that it would reflect the national statistics and only around 20% of female pupils would be likely to achieve recognition.
We encourage your school to hand out one Hopper and Turing certificate to every age group from Nursery to Primary 7 at least once a year.
The Hopper certificate is for a female pupil displaying excellence in Computing Science and the Turing certificate for a male pupil displaying excellence in Computing Science. Please tag us in any social posts on Twitter @dressCodehq and using hashtags #HopperAward #TuringAward
Any questions get in touch at support@dresscode.org.uk
The aim of this award is to provide a specific opportunity to recognise success in Computing Science. This award is supported by JPMorgan, we hope that this also raises awareness to parents and guardians that Computing Science is an important subject.