Tomorrow’s Teaching - Today, EduTech 2021

Talk: Computing Science in schools.

Toni Scullion is a Computing Science teacher at St.Kentigern’s Academy, West Lothian. They have had a strong uptake of girls over the past number of years.

St.Kentigern’s Academy Computing Science department has been recognised for their efforts of bridging the gender gap in Computing Science and was featured in a practice pipeline video for Education Scotland. Toni was also a finalist in the Scottish Women in Technology Secondary Teacher of the Year category. She is the current Cyber Security teacher of the year and, along with three of her S5 girls, was awarded the accolade of Champion of Champions, during which her work in diversity was highlighted.

Toni’s talk is about the landscape, challenges, good practice and opportunities we have for Computing Science in Schools. You can watch her talk below.


#CSSMeets Special - Closing the Gender Gap in Computing Science


Ada Scotland Launch